Zeb James, who hails from East Tennessee, purchased his initial herd of commercial Boer goats in 2002 with a former high school peer. He became a member of the American Boer Goat Association in 2009, along with one of his students who was interested in the goat industry.
Zeb's interest in agriculture began when he was young, participating in various 4-H events such as speaking contests, horse and livestock judging, and horticulture competitions. Despite losing access to livestock when his family moved to the city, Zeb remained determined to carry on the tradition of animal agriculture that his grandfather instilled in him. This led him to start his own farm, Russell Sons Farm, which was named after his grandfather who was a renowned figure in the dairy industry.
In 2007, Zeb began working as an agricultural teacher and FFA advisor at Creek Wood High School in Middle Tennessee. He loves to help his students with different animal projects including the Broiler Chicken Project; a project where students raise meat chickens for a period of 6-7 weeks before exhibiting them at the end of the grow-out phase. He also helps his students raise and show hogs, chickens and cattle for 4-H and FFA competitions.
Zeb also has a passion for goats and has been involved with the ABGA National Show for three years. He says that goats are a great animal for kids and families because they are friendly and easy to handle. He likes that the National Show offers many opportunities for the JABGA members to learn and grow, not just in showing goats but also in other skills like public speaking, judging and sales talk. He says that these skills will help them in their future careers and goat operations.
Zeb also enjoys meeting other ABGA members from different states and making new friends.

“The friendships formed from the National Show, and even other ABGA shows, are like family members. They are always there to give advice, assistance, and advocate for you and your operation; sometimes they even challenge you on things that later become huge blessings."

Meet 2023 National Show Superintendent Zeb James
Zeb's Passion for Agriculture Rooted in 4-H Participation