The "Unlock a Lock" event will return in 2024. Junior members need to participate in all four contests on Saturday, June 8th – including Skill-a-thon, Public Speaking, Sales Talk, and Goat Judging – to qualify for a chance to "Unlock a Lock" and win different prizes.
Unlock a Lock will take place on Monday, June 10 during the lunch hour. Prizes include Airpods, fitting mats, Sullivan Supply accessories, and more!
JABGA Skill-a-thon
Skill-a-thon contest is a quiz to test your knowledge of the goat industry.
Each age division will have their own test.
The number of questions per test is as follows:
Novice Division– 35 questions
Junior, Intermediate and Senior Division – 50 questions
A moderator will be present.
If you have trouble reading, do not worry; just make sure you let us know before arriving at the contest and an assistant will help you with reading your quiz.
Pens and pencils are provided.
Casual dress.
The use of electronic devices is prohibited. Any contestant found to be using a phone, headphones, watches, or any other electronic device will be disqualified from the contest.
JABGA Judging Contest
All animals will be judged as having no faults (including teats, ears, scrotum, pigment, tail and bite) and based on the ABGA Breed Standards.
No handling of goats for any of the classes.
Recommended Classes (based on availability)
Wethers / commercial does
Young does
Mature does
Contestants will get 8 minutes to judge each class (unless all cards are turned in).
Official placings and cuts will be done 2 ABGA judges at the National Show.
Conferring between other contestants, parents, and/or advisers is strictly prohibited during the judging contest. Any contestant believed to be receiving assistance during the competition will be disqualified.
The use of electronic devices is prohibited. Any contestant found to be using a phone, headphones, watches, or any other electronic device will be disqualified from the contest.
There will be one class that will be oral reasons required for all senior individuals.
There will be one class with 3 questions for all age divisions, that will be used for tiebreakers.
Materials: Notepad and a pencil.
Dress: There is no required dress for this contest although many participants wear jeans and polo shirts or button downs.
JABGA Sales Talk
Sales talk uses a live setting complete with a live animal, photo or pedigree and potential buyers. This contest is a mock sales situation—you are selling your animal to buyers. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and the contestant’s ability to merchandise Boer Goats.
Contestants will be judged on their knowledge of the animal, semen, or embryos they are selling, their ability to relay important information, and their overall effectiveness in convincing the judges to buy their product.
Time allotted: 4-7 minutes.
Materials: A live animal (another individual should hold the animal), photo (no larger than 8 x 10) or a registration certificate for the animal, semen or embryos being “sold”.
Dress: There is no required dress, but it is important to keep in mind that appearance is important when marketing yourself and your animals. Nice jeans, boots, and button-down shirts are suggested.
Ties: in the event of ties in sales talk, they will be broken by comparing scores in the following judging sections:
Knowledge/ Introduction
Organization/ Style
Response to questions
JABGA Public Speaking Contest
Electronic devices will not be allowed in the holding area or contest room.
Materials: two 3 x 5 note cards can be used, absolutely no outside materials are allowed. Excessive reference to notes may result in deduction of points and the use of visual aids may not be allowed.
Dress: There is no required dress, but it is important to keep in mind that appearance is important. Nice jeans, boots, and button-down shirts are suggested.
Each contestant must make the presentation without a microphone. Contestants shall not be penalized for moving about or using (or not using) a podium. Contestants will be penalized one point per second on each judge’s score sheet for being over or under the time allowed for each speech.
Ties: in the event of ties in public speaking, they will be broken by comparing scores in the following judging sections:
Novice Division
No less than 3 minutes and more than 5 minutes.
Topic: What should you do in the showring?
Junior Division
No less than 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes.
Topic: How do you decide what buck to breed your doe to?
Intermediate Division
No less than 4 minutes and no more than 6 minutes.
Topic: Why or why not is record keeping important for the care of your herd?
Senior Division
No less than 5 minutes and no more than 7 minutes.
Topic: Pick a biosecurity issue. How would you overcome this issue within your herd?
JABGA Coloring Contest
Date and Time:
The coloring contest will be held on Saturday June 8th, 2024. Participants may stop by the JABGA office, or other designated location, and color in their 45-minute time slot from 9:00-2:00.
Who can participate?
The JABGA will be having a coloring contest for all junior members in the novice and junior age divisions.
All coloring sheets, pencils, crayons, and markers will be provided.
Each participant will have 45 minutes to complete their coloring sheet.
Only one child per coloring sheet.
All coloring will be done in the JABGA office, or other designated location.
All coloring sheets will be judged prior to the JABGA awards ceremony.
The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony.
Attendance is required to receive an award.
JABGA Marketing Contest
What is it?
The JABGA is introducing a new contest this year. The marketing contest is a way for our youth to share highlights of JABGA and all that it has to offer. The contest will highlight JABGA nationals and the regional show series contests that take place in June. It is also encouraged to focus on the location of nationals and all Louisville has to offer.
How to participate?
Members will create a social media post on Facebook, Instagram or both using #jabganationals. Junior members may use their own accounts or may use the account of a parent. The post will be a digital design created by the junior member to market the JABGA national show being in Louisville and all JABGA contests/ show events that take place during this week.
The digital design will be posted online and then a high quality print out of the design will need to be submitted to the JABGA office in Louisville.
This contest will NOT be required to participate in the unlock a lock.
This contest will NOT go towards points for overall high point in the regional show series.
Posts will need to be on social media no later than May 27th, 2024.
The Junior members digital design will Not be judged based off of likes or shares from social media.
Junior members will need to have a high-quality printout of their digital design and turn it into the JABGA office by Tuesday June 11th at noon. Do Not send the printout to the ABGA office in San Angelo.
Judging process:
To be fully entered into the contest the junior member must have a digital design on social media using #jabganationals and also have a high quality printed out version turned into the JABGA office. All digital designs will be judged, and the winners will be announced at the JABGA awards ceremony. Attendance is required to receive awards.
For more information or questions, contact:

JABGA Contest Rules
JABGA National Show Contest Rules: Showmanship, sales talk, skill-a-thon, judging contest, public speaking, and more.
Photo by Pearl's Pics.