Terry Burks is a retired Professor of English Studies from Chifeng University in The People’s Republic of China. Prior to that, he was employed by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture in the Division of Show and Fair Promotion where he served as the educational coordinator and worked as a federal livestockgrader. Terry taught adult agriculture for 8 years in the Kentucky Community College system and was also the owner of Dynasty Club Lambs & Meat Goats. Terry received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in the area of Animal Science from Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Terry has judged over 1200 Junior and open livestock shows in 43 states. Some of his shows include Houston, San Antonio, Fort Worth, Dallas, San Angelo, Austin, The North American International, The American Royal, The National Western, The Great Western, The Cow Palace, The Dixie National, Aksarben, Tulsa, the Oklahoma Youth Expo, The Arizona National, The Pennsylvania Farm Show, The Keystone International, The Atlantic National, The Western Bonanza, The Grand Stand, The Fall Classic and the Belt Buckle Bonanza. He has judged State Fairs in 28 different states and has also judged numerous County, Regional and Jackpot shows nationwide.

Terry has served on numerous judging committees across the US including the National 4-H, Jr. College and Sr. College Contests at the NAILE, as well as serving as the sheep/goat chairman for the National FFA Livestock Judging CDE.
Terry and his wife Alice live in Bowling Green, Kentucky.