Corey Billups has been raising and showing boer goats for the last 22 years. What started out as a 4-H project has evolved into a passion for the boer goat industry. Corey is the founder and sale manager for the Legendary Sale. He was active in a local goat association called the Tri-State Goat Producer Association. He served in many positions in this organization including show chairman, Treasurer, and Vice President.

Corey has been judging boer goats for the last 9 years. He became an ABGA certified judge in 2016. Corey is very passionate about the youth of the industry. Corey also co-hosts the JABGA Regional Show for the southern region with Kathy Carr. Corey is also part of the show committee for the North American International Livestock Expo (NAILE).
Corey holds a double bachelor’s degree in agriculture economics and business management from the University of Kentucky. He also recently completed a Master’s degree in healthcare administration from the University of Kentucky. Corey is currently employed by the University of Kentucky Healthcare as the Patient Logistics and Transfer Center Director.