ABGA and JABGA are excited to offer a Boer goat photo contest for both adult and Junior members at the 2023 ABGA & JABGA National Show. The goal of the contests is to highlight talented individuals in the communications industry through their use of photography.
JABGA Photo Contest Rules:
One winner from each age division will be chosen. Winners will be announced during the JABGA Awards Banquet on Thursday, June 15th.
All contestants must be members of JABGA.
Divisions are: Junior (4-8), Intermediate (9-13), and Senior (14-18).
Only two photos per contestant is permitted.
All submissions must be printed on an 8”x10” canvas or frame.
All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, June 13th at 12pm.
All photos must highlight the American Boer Goat. Photos may be taken around the farm or at an event. The American Boer Goat must be the focus of the picture.
Photos may not be enhanced or edited, in any way.
The Champion Overall Photo will have the opportunity to be featured in the ABGA Digital Magazine.
All pictures may be used by the ABGA/ JABGA office for publication and promotions.
Adult Photo Contest Rules:
This contest will be a fundraiser for the ABGA Foundation. The winning photo will be calculated by the amount of donations received. The winning photo will be auctioned off during the awards banquet on June 15th.
1. All contestants must be ABGA members.
2. All submissions must be printed of an 8”x10” canvas or frame.
3. All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, June 13th at 12pm.
4. All photos must include the American Boer Goat.
5. All pictures may be used by the ABGA office for publication and promotions.

2023 National Show Boer Goat Photo Contest
ABGA and JABGA are excited to offer a photo contest for youth members at the 2023 JABGA National Show.