2024 Costume Contest
This show is a fun-filled experience for exhibitors as well as spectators. All JABGA members can participate. Both the goat and the exhibitor should dress for the occasion.
The Costume Contest will take place Tuesday, June 11th during the lunch break.
Junior (4-12)
Senior (13-21)
Two prizes will be given per division: judges choice, and people choice.
Exhibitors are required to show their goat in a halter or lead, and must maintain control of their animal at all times.
This is a family-friendly event, all participants must act in an appropriate manner. Inappropriate costumes or behavior may be disqualified at any time by ABGA/ JABGA Staff or Board Members.
Photos by Pearl's Pics
For more information or questions, contact:

Costume Contest
This show is a fun-filled experience for exhibitors as well as spectators! All JABGA members can participate.
Photo by Pearl's Pics.