The following rules apply for group classes. Entry fee is $10 per group per show. Cash entries will be taken up to the time of group class verification deadline. Exhibitors must complete the entry form; listing each animal’s tattoo and registration number and submit it to the office for verification by 9 am of the day of the show. The goats must also be shown in their regular class. Any animal disqualified in a regular class for a cull fault or tattoo will not be eligible for the pairs or group classes. Fullblood Group Classes will follow the Fullblood Doe Overall Drive and Percentage Group Classes will follow the Percentage Doe Overall Drive.
FULLBLOOD GET OF SIRE: Three Fullblood or Purebred offspring of the same buck with both sexes represented. Must have at least 1 of each sex. Any age and any sex. Do not have to be owned by the same person.
PERCENTAGE GET OF SIRE: Three Percentage does, any age that are by the same buck. Do not have to be owned by the same person.
PERCENTAGE PRODUCE OF DAM: Two offspring out of the same doe. To be eligible, the dam must be registered in an ABGA Herd book. Do not have to be owned by the same person.
FULLBLOOD BREEDER’S HERD: The exhibitor of the herd must be the breeder of record. Goats owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the exhibitor of the breeder’s herd was listed as the owner or
co-owner of the dam of the included goat(s) at the time of conception: Two Fullblood or Purebred does less than 12 months,
Two Fullblood or Purebred does 12 months or greater,
A buck of any age.
PERCENTAGE DOE BREEDER’S HERD: The exhibitor of the herd must be the breeder of record. Goats owned by other exhibitors may be included provided the exhibitor of the breeder’s herd was listed as the owner or co-owner of the dam of the included goat(s) at the time of conception:
Two percentage does less than 12 months,
Two percentage does 12 months or greater.
The following rules apply for pair classes. Entry fee is $10 per pair per show. Cash entries will be taken up to the time of the pair class verification deadline. Pair entries must have identical owners. Exhibitors must complete the entry form; listing each animal’s tattoo and registration number and submitted to the office for verification by 9am of each show. Animal information will be checked upon entry at the gate. The goats must also be shown in their regular class. Any animal disqualified in a regular class for a cull fault or tattoo will not be eligible for the pairs or group classes. Junior Pairs classes will follow the Junior Division Drive and the Senior Pairs classes will follow the Overall Drive. Best Pair of Doe/Buck Kids will follow the Junior Fullblood Doe Drive.
BEST PAIR KIDS: Two animals shown in the 0–12-month classes of the respective division.
Classes are Best Pair of Buck Kids, Best Pair of Fullblood Doe Kids, Best Pair of Percentage Doe Kids
BEST PAIR ONE YEAR AND OLDER: Two animals shown in the yearling and/or senior classes of the respective divisions. Classes are Best Pair of Senior Bucks, Best Pair of Senior Fullblood Does, Best Pair of Senior Percentage Does
BEST PAIR OF DOE/BUCK KIDS: Both sexes represented. One Fullblood/Purebred doe and a Fullblood buck kid that has been shown in respective classes. Two animals are shown in the 0-12 month classes of the respective division.
For more information or questions, contact:

Groups and Pairs Classes
Get familiar with the National Show Groups and Pairs Classes
Photo by Pearl's Pics.