Nick Hammett, along with his wife Rebekah, son Cole, and daughter Lauren, make their home in Ashland, Missouri. Seeking a family activity in the livestock industry, they started as COLA Show Goats in 2013 raising and showing ABGA registered goats around the country. In 2020 they re-branded themselves as Hammett Showstock, focusing on raising wethers and commercial show doe prospects.

After obtaining degrees from the University of Missouri and Colorado State University, Nick has spent his career in the beef industry. Nick currently works for Neogen, marketing beef cattle genomic testing. He particularly enjoys assisting producers in turning data into sustainable and profitable management decisions and hopes to assist the goat industry in developing those same opportunities.
Nick Judged the ABGA National Open show in 2018, the National Market and Commercial Doe show in 2021 and the first two ABGA National Carcass contests in 2022 and 2023.
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