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JABGA Regional Show Judges Needed

Are you an ABGA show expert? Do you want to be part of JABGA’s Regional Show program? You may be the next JABGA Regional Show Host!

Are you an ABGA show expert? Do you want to be part of JABGA’s acclaimed Regional Show program? You may be the next JABGA Regional Show Host!

ABGA is currently looking for interested ABGA members to host regional shows in Area 1, Area 3, Area 4, and Area 5 for the 2022 season and all areas for the 2023-2024 season. You must be an ABGA member in good standing, have previous ABGA sanctioned show experience, and reside in the JABGA Area where the Regional Show is held to be a JABGA Regional Show host.

JABGA Regional Show hosts will be responsible for the following, among other duties:

  • Establish show budget and date with ABGA office staff and Youth Committee chairs

  • Select and secure show venue

  • Create show schedule with ABGA office staff and Youth Committee chairs

  • Select and secure show judge from ABGA’s Approved Judges list

  • Secure additional sponsors outside of the ABGA budget

  • Arrange show judge’s travel with ABGA office staff

  • Select and coordinate show volunteers (including but not limited to ring staff, volunteer contest judges, and show announcer)

  • Providing scales for weigh-in (market and commercial doe shows)

  • Coordinate exposition space for sponsors and vendors

  • Validate JABGA ownership and Bred & Owned entries

  • Plan and facilitate awards banquet

If you are interested in hosting a JABGA Regional Show, please contact

The JABGA regional show areas are broken down by state as follows:

Area 1: Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana

Area 2: Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota

Area 3: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine

Area 4: Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Puerto Rico

Area 5: Colorado, New Mexico, Texas

For more information about the JABGA Regional Show program, click here.

For more information about ABGA sanctioned show rules, click here.

For more information about JABGA sanctioned show rules, click here.

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