2022 JABGA Face-to-Face: Day 1
Day One of our Junior American Boer Goat Association Board of Directors Face-to-Face meeting is complete!
Day One of our Junior American Boer Goat Association Board of Directors Face-to-Face meeting is complete!
Our JABGA Board members spent their first full day breaking the ice -- getting acquainted with each other and the ABGA office, writing National Show thank-you notes, and viewing a leadership TED Talk (video below).
This sparked an afternoon of conversation: "What does JABGA mean to you? How do you see JABGA moving into the future? What would you like to see at the 2023 JABGA National Show?"
The group finished out the night with pizza. Our JABGA Board of Directors has a fun-filled (and busy!) few days ahead of them!
UP NEXT: a tour of the Angelo State University Meat Lab and Management, Instruction, and Research Center.
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