2022 - 2023 JABGA Public Speaking Contest
Updated rules and topics for the 2022-2023 JABGA Regional Show Series Public Speaking contest.
Electronic devices will not be allowed in the holding area or contest room.
Materials: two 3x5 inch note cards can be used; no other outside materials are allowed. Excessive reference to notes may result in deduction of points. The use of visual aids is not allowed.
Each contestant must make the presentation without a microphone. Contestants shall not be penalized for moving about or using/not using a podium. Contestants will be penalized one point per second on each judge's score sheet for being over or under the time allowed for each speech.
Ties will be broken by comparing scores in the following judging sections:
Oral communication
Speech composition
Non-verbal communication
Response to questions
Dress appropriately for the subject you are presenting.
Junior Division (ages 4 to 8)
No less than 3 minutes no more than 5 minutes
Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges
Regional Show: "Why is it important to keep your feed buckets, water troughs, and facilities clean?"
National Show: "How do you keep a Boer goat healthy?"
Intermediate Division (ages 9 to 13)
No less than 4 minutes no more than 6 minutes
Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges
Regional Show: "Why is it important for Boer goats to have correct breed standards?"
National Show: "What can you do to raise awareness in the goat industry?"
Senior Division (ages 14 & over)
No less than 5 minutes no more than 7 minutes
Additional 5 minutes will be given for related questions asked by the judges
Regional Show: "What advice would you give to younger members in JABGA?"
National Show: "How to be a mentor and influence new showmen/breeders?"
You can find more information on the 2021-2022 JABGA Regional Show Series Show Rules here: https://www.abga.org/jabga/jabga-regional-show-rules.
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