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How to Transfer a Goat on iCompete
How to Sign Up for iCompete & Renew Your Membership
How to Register a Percentage Goat with an Unregistered Dam
iCompete News & Updates
Updates on iCompete Technical Issues and Features
These are the major issues or missing features with iCompete. We are working through smaller bugs on the member and staff side of iCompete that shouldn't affect registrations.
Please report any issues you are having with registrations that are not listed below by clicking the Report a Problem button above.
Registrations are not immediate at this time. You will receive a temporary number that starts with "?" after you submit your registration. You will receive a full registration number after 1-2 business days. This process is temporary until iCompete is validating automatically.
Transferring while registering is currently unavailable. This option will become available once iCompete is automatically validating. You can transfer animals once it has a full registration number.
Members are unable to use credit on file for online registrations. Credit can only be used for work orders done in office. We highly encourage members to pay with their credit cards via our secure Square payment portal.
The "BLUE SCREEN" is no longer being updated or supported. iCompete is an all-in-one solution that includes registry, competition and shows, and research. You will no longer need two logins to manage your herd and data. You can view the new Herd Book by logging into your iCompete account and clicking the Herd Book button.
Registrations from embryo transfers/flushes are working on a case-by-case basis. If you are having issues registering flush kids, please click the Report a Problem button at the top of this page, and let us know how we can help you.
Registrations from a purchased bred doe are not working as expected. The breeder field populates as the current owner. Changing the breeder returns an error. Complete the registration with the applicant's information listed as the breeder and owner, and we will correct it during the manual validation process.
Data Errors. Due to more than 13 million animals, plus member and show data being transferred to our new system, some data transferred over incorrectly. No data was lost. We are working on getting that data corrected. If you see incorrect information on your account or owned animals, click the Report a Problem button and let us know.
Herd Book Updates. We are currently working on the Herd Book, and archived show and points data to reflect more data, as it did on the "blue screen." Please allow some time for these updates to be made.
Visual Inspections. We can record Visual Inspections, but are still unable to print Visual Inspection Certificates, or print Visual Inspection results on registration certificates.
Listing Papers. We are unable to print listing papers at this time. If you have trouble registering a listing paper animal, or trouble registering offspring from a listing paper animal, please contact the office.
Herd Disposal/Management. Herd disposal, or marking your animals as dead, sold, etc. is only available to staff at this time. If you would like to update your animals, send a list by clicking the Report a Problem button and completing the form. Be sure to include your animal's name, registration number, and status.
Transactions. There is currently no transactions page for members. If you would like a report of your transactions, please contact the ABGA office. This feature is currently being worked on.
Payment for work done in the office. The iCompete developers are currently working on a payment system for work done in the office. Currently, you will receive an invoice in your email if you did not provide payment up front.
Adult members can register for their Junior accounts again. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.