2022 JABGA Face-to-Face: Day 2
Day two of our Junior American Boer Goat Association Board of Directors Face-to-Face meeting is in the books!
Day two of our Junior American Boer Goat Association Board of Directors Face-to-Face meeting is in the books!

Our JABGA board members started the day at The Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center in San Angelo. The group toured the laboratories and research pens. They were also introduced to the center’s research, which spans several breeds of sheep and goats, feeding programs, fiber sources, crops, and technology-led parasite identification.
We owe a special thank you to Sheep and Goat Program Specialist Jake Thorne and Dr. John Walker at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center. Our JABGA board enjoyed hearing their knowledge. We also owe a special thank you to Robert Cope, Senior Instructor/Research Associate in the Department of Agriculture at Angelo State University (ASU), for his wisdom and time during the tour of the laboratory.

The group then traveled to the ASU Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Product Development Laboratory, where JABGA members got to see the product of the Boer goat breed – the meat! This further developed the knowledge JABGA members learned at the 2022 National Show Carcass Evaluation Class.
After lunch, board members sat down for their official business meeting at the ABGA office. ABGA Board Vice President Kathy Daves-Carr attended virtually. JABGA board members ended the day enjoying a Texas country music concert on the banks of the Concho River in downtown San Angelo.

Courtesy of: Avery Holman
Up Next: Tours of Denis Feedlot and Rocking Chair Ranch!
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