What National Agriculture Week Means To Me
JABGA Board Member, Alaina Blair, reflects on what National Agriculture Week means to her.
By Alaina Blair

Agriculture has provided me with vast opportunities and has impacted my life in many great ways: from skills learned and values instilled in me to hard work and responsibility are a way of life.
It teaches perseverance, to hold tight to my faith, and know the sun will rise again tomorrow. Agriculture is not only cultivating the land, producing crops, and raising livestock, but it’s being a caregiver.
It’s setting roots that run deep with family, history, and community. One day I will become part of a legacy left on the land as the next generation is raised. Agriculture is vital for all, for it produces the necessities that maintain life.
ABGA has helped me find my passion and fuels my drive for the Boer goat industry. It’s given me the opportunity to be involved in the industry I so deeply love. Hopefully, one day I will be able to have a livelihood in becoming a veterinarian that specializes in small ruminants and giving back to the industry that has given me so much.
Therefore, celebrating National Agriculture Week makes me think of gratitude and harvest time. Gratitude for the backbone of our nation that provides our food and a way of life to be proud of! It’s the past, present, and a promise of the future. It gives me a reason to celebrate the industry I love and settles my soul. Here’s to a lifestyle worth celebrating!
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