To use the word excited to describe judging the National Show is an understatement for ABGA member Terry Taylor, who will judge the JABGA National Bred and Owned Show and Breeding Showmanship.
“I am beyond thrilled to evaluate the best of the best of this organization’s junior members, who have gathered together in this national event to showcase their absolute best in competition,” he explained.
This opportunity is an honor and privilege Terry will cherish for years to come. “To each Junior Exhibitor, you have brought your best, and I will bring my best,” he said. “Thank you to all, and I wish everyone the very best of luck.”
He’s even giving some insight into what he’ll look for when he judges. “First and foremost, I look for structural integrity from the ground up with critical emphasis on production functionality and breed character,” Terry explained. “My bucks must be masculine and my does feminine in a complete and well-balanced eye appealing package.”
He will bring a strong background in production agriculture when he travels to Nebraska from Smyer, Texas, where he and his wife Sue own and operate Windy Acres Boers. Terry said they raise foundation and replacement stock for breeding, show, and market.
Terry is no stranger to the show ring. In addition to showing several species of livestock, he’s judged animals in more than 28 states. This ranges from state fairs and major shows to the ABGA National Show.
“It is an honor and a privilege to be asked to travel the country and evaluate goats in both the open and youth settings,” added Terry, who joined the ABGA in 2001 because of their son’s FFA project of breeding top quality goats using only champion bloodlines and genetics.
They acquired a herd of Registered Boer Goats from Darwin McCleod which were all registered with the ABGA. “Seeing the advantage and upside potential of registered stock, we became members,” he said.
Their philosophy is concentrating on quality – not quantity – while using the best available genetics in the industry and promoting honesty and integrity to all breeders. Terry said the proof is in the pudding.
With an Agriculture Education degree from Texas Tech University, his agriculture roots run deep. Raised on a farm on the South Plains of Texas, they raised cotton, grain sorghum and Duroc hogs. A member of 4-H and FFA, Terry served on judging and leadership teams in high school. He also developed a small herd of Southdown sheep and showed sheep, pigs, and steers.
Fast forward to now, Terry owns and operates Imaging E, a radiology healthcare services company, in addition to Windy Acres Boers. When he isn’t working, you can find him and his wife helping and supporting various programs involving youth and their projects.