Being the JABGA Area 3 Regional Show Secretary is all about paying it forward for Adrienne and Joe Kidder.
“Our daughter would not be who she is today without all the experiences she gained from the JABGA,” said Adrienne Kidder. “We just wanted to give back with hopes to help other families.”
Becoming the Show Secretary started when they were approached by a couple of local breeders and the president of the JABGA about hosting a show. Indiana is known as the Crossroads of America, Adrienne explained. Several major interstate systems cross in Indiana.

“We all felt it would be the perfect location for a JABGA Regional Show,” said Adrienne, who joined the American Boer Goat Association (ABGA) for her daughter Hannah.
After joining the ABGA, they started Kidder Show Stock and their own breeding program. They gathered different bloodlines from some of the best breeders in the business, Adrienne explained.
“We love selling our does and bucks to the youth, whether it is to JABGA members, 4-H or FFA members,” she added. “The smile on the kids’ faces and the accomplishments they gain is why we do this.”
While doing this, the Kidder family has grown. “The friends that we have met in this industry we consider like family,” Adrienne said.

But this isn’t the only way Joe is involved in the ABGA. He’s also a 2022 National Show Superintendent.
Joe said he was first was given the opportunity to be a Superintendent by Jesse Kimmel’s suggestion for him to volunteer. Through that suggestion, Joe was able to get more involved with the National Show.
“Being a National Show Superintendent I feel is an honor,” he said. “It has been a great opportunity to be able to give back to the ABGA and the wonderful breeders of this industry.”