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Coni Ross Memorial Class

Coni Ross was a pioneer and has become a legend within the goat industry; raising goats for more than 40 years.

The Coni Ross Memorial Production Aged Doe Class is designed to allow breeders to showcase the production, functionality and longevity within their doe herds. The animals will be evaluated on their ability to maintain these traits during and after being in production and raising multiple sets of offspring.

  • Body Condition: Animals should be either currently in production and/or of the correct breeding body condition to breed and kid with ease. Animals with excess fat deposits will be faulted.

  • Udder: Does must have a teat structure that allows a newborn kid to easily nurse without intervention. (Good udder attachment, no blown teats, etc.).

  • Structural Integrity: Does should be sound on their feet and legs and exhibit the necessary structural traits: such as strong pasterns and wide pen set; to be functional in a breeding and/or pasture setting without intense management.

  • Production Value: Number and quality of offspring raised.

Special Rules:

  1. Open to all ABGA registered does (Fullblood, Purebred and Percentage)

  2. All does must be 5 years or older.

  3. Does must show evident signs they have naturally kidded and raised offspring.

  4. Does may be exhibited with any natural born kid under 12 months of age at their side to demonstrate the animal’s production ability and value. **Preference given to does with kids who are currently nursing.

  5. Exhibitors will be required to provide production records to include:

    1. Kidding dates

    2. Number of kids born

    3. Breeding information (Natural, AI, etc.)

    4. Milking and mothering ability

    5. Ease of kidding

Production Records Form:

Coming soon

Entry Fee: $10

  • $5 will be applied towards awards

  • $5 will be applied towards the ABGA Scholarship



Coni Ross was a pioneer and has become a legend within the goat industry; raising goats for more than 40 years. During her time in the goat industry, Coni served as a director for multiple associations including: American Boer Goat Association, Texas Cashmere Association, and the American Meat Goat Association. She was also a well-respected judge within the ABGA, and judged the ABGA National Show six times throughout her judging career.

Coni Ross with her ABGA Ambassador of the Breed award.
Coni Ross

Coni started raising goats in 1978 with angoras. Then, in the late 1980’s Coni imported 500 cashmere goat embryos from New Zealand, resulting in more than 250 live kids, and was one of the first to have success with embryo transfer in the United States. In 1995, Coni started her herd of Boer goats which eventually grew to more than 1200 head at its peak. Coni focused her breeding efforts to maintain functionality, longevity and mothering ability. She expected goats to thrive in a pasture setting, kid and raise offspring unassisted, all while remaining hardy, thrifty and structurally sound.

Along with her dedication to her own herd and the many breed associations that she served; Coni also spent a great deal of her time helping other producers in the goat industry by providing what she called “Goat 911”. She spent countless hours on the phone helping other diagnose and treat goats across the United States. If you ever had the privilege to visit with Coni, you know that she always had her Bluetooth ear piece in and would happily share her more than 40 years of experience, knowledge, and treatment protocols with anyone that called.

In 2015, Coni had a vision and sponsored a “5 & Older” class at the ABGA National Show for fullblood bucks and fullblood does to showcase animals that were 5 years and older but still productive and functional. The class has evolved over the years and has become an event to showcase and reward the breeders and animals who continue to maintain the traits that Coni spent her lifetime striving to produce.

For more information or questions, contact

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